S P I S T R E Ś C I / C O N T E N T S
Introduction: What Can Be Queer and What Can Queer Be?
[EN] [PL] [ES]
The Challenge of Implementing Preferred Gender Pronouns:
Queer Autonomy in the Age of Information Technologies
Zooey Sophia Pook
Instrumental Trouble:
A Queer Organology of Hugh Davies’s Found Instruments
Settimio Fiorenzo Palermo
Lacanian Ethics, the Psychoanalytic Group,
and the Question of Queer Sociality
Luiz Valle Junior
Patricia Nell Warren’s The Front Runner:
Coming out, or Triumph and the end of Tragedy
Mateusz Świetlicki
Interview with Heather Love
Tomasz Sikora
A Pine with Six Hands: Introduction
Mathias Foit
[EN] [PL]
A Pine with Six Hands
Liliana Piskorska
[EN] [PL]
How to Do the History of Homosexuality (Spanish)
David M. Halperin
Homographesis (Spanish)
Lee Edelman
Metaqueerphors in our Life
Piotr Sobolczyk
Queer Lovers and Hateful Others
Mateusz Świetlicki
Created: 31/12/2020
Last modified: 14/05/2021
(added DOI)