Journal's profile
InterAlia, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal for queer theory, is open to submissions from a wide range of fields, written in English, Spanish or Polish. Among the issues we hope our contributors will address is the translatability of queer concepts across cultural and linguistic borders; the relationship between queer theory and activism; the possibility of reconciling the different positionings within the queer community that are related to such factors as gender, race, class, age, sexual practices, and geographical location; the relevance of queer studies for understanding the discourses, cultural practices, and institutions that surround us; and the potential of queer as a counterdiscourse or counterpractice.
We also publish (without the peer-review process) literary and art works, documentation of artistic and theatrical works, book reviews, manifestoes, theory-fiction, commentaries and other materials that fall outside the rigid academic standards.
We do not charge any fees for publishing in InterAlia.
Editorial Board
Dominika Ferens (University of Wrocław) — Editor
Tomasz Basiuk (University of Warsaw) — Editor
Tomasz Sikora (Pedagogical University of Krakow) — Editor
Rafał Majka (Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University, Kraków) — Editor
Łukasz Smuga (University of Wrocław) — Editor
Antke Engel (Institute for Queer Theory, Berlin) — Editor
Jorge Luis Peralta (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain) — Editor
Jarosław Milewski (University of Łódź) — Secretary, Assistant Editor
Marzena Lizurej (independent) — Language Editor
Krystyna Mazur (University of Warsaw) — Editor
Charlotte Forrester (independent, New Zealand) — Assistant Editor, Language Editor
Open Access
InterAlia is an Open Access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, provided the original author and source are credited. Except where otherwise stated, all content on InterAlia‘s website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (images and other media may be under different licences). Copyright for the content of the texts published in InterAlia stays with the Authors, whereas copyright for the edited versions stays with InterAlia.
InterAlia: a journal of queer studies is indexed with EBSCO, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, IC Journals Master List, ICI World of Journals, CEJSH, CEON, EuroPub Database, ROAD Directory, WorldCat, ARIANTA. It is archived with Internet Archive.
InterAlia is owned, published and financially supported by the Editors. It is not affiliated with any institution or organization, political or otherwise. We charge no fees and we do not publish any commercial advertisements for revenue; the only advertising in InterAlia is for other queer studies publications, on a reciprocal basis. Occasionally, we secure a task-specific grant (i.e. purchase of DOIs) from whatever sources are available to a small, independent initiative like ours.
Publishing schedule
InterAlia is published once annually, usually in December. Manuscripts are accepted on a continuous basis.
Advisory Board
- Dariusz K. Balejko (Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany / Collegium Polonicum, Słubice, Poland)
- Jacek Kochanowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Izabela Kowalczyk (University of the Arts Poznan, Poland)
- Paweł Leszkowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
- Nathan Long (Stockton University, New Jersey, USA)
- Ewa Majewska (SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland)
- Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez (Universitat de Lleida, Spain)
- Ruth Mayer (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
- Joanna Mizielinska (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)
- Amurabi Oliveira (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
- Michael O’Rourke (independent)
- Evander Ruthieri da Silva (Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana [UNILA], Brazil)
- Benjamin Heim Shepard (New York City College of Technology/ City University of New York, USA)
- Magdalena Środa (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Stephen Tapscott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA)
- Volker Woltersdorff (independent)
- Joanna Zylinska (King’s College London)
- Kacper Grzelakowski (University of Łódź, Poland)
ISSN 1689-6637