S P I S T R E Ś C I / C O N T E N T S
Tomasz Basiuk i Jędrzej Burszta
“The Underground Language.” An Extract from an Interview with Ryszard Kisiel
Karol Radziszewski
“Someone whose heartfelt and honest friendship will become the motor of my life…” – personal ads in Relaks, 1984-1988
Karolina Morawska
“Deserving stigmatization because of his inclinations:” Homophobia and sexism in the criminological discourse of rape
Agnieszka Kościańska
“Faggot” and “Dyke” as Everyday Life Social Concepts: Heterosexual Bias in Language Concerning Lesbians and Gay Men
Mariola Bieńko
From masochism to “climate.” Four labels for a certain form of sexual expression
Jan Szpilka
A homothug and a friend of Dorothy? Meandering metareflections on “Rainbow Language” with a philological and comparative bent
Krzysztof Zabłocki
Autorki i Autorzy / Contributors