Protocolos de uma ideia. Protokolle einer Idee.
Rubia Salgado
The contribution draws on experiences in the field of basic education and literacy, gained in the context of two organizations (maiz and das kollektiv, Linz, Austria) of migrant and refugee FLINTAS (WomenLesbiansInterTransAsexuals). Written during the implementation of a project of poetry-based approaches in basic education the text reflects by means of protocols a movement of searching for speech (especially when speaking about the learners). Since it unfolds from a dissonance with the self, the narrative is fragmentary and chronologically non-linear, consisting of short notes, called protocolos, which have been written down for months. It ranges between different languages and registers; it is sometimes poetic, metaphorical and opaque, sometimes factual, sometimes narrative, sometimes theoretical. It is kept in pencil because it is fragile, vulnerable, unstable, opaque, unfinishable. It can be erased at any time, or expanded, or changed. Writing as material and metaphor: skin of language. The article is partly an exercise in palimpsesting, understood as a counter-figure to monocausal discourses of authenticity. The main palimpsest in the text concerns the narrative figure, I-Paloma, which originates from a song by Luís Capucho and Rafael Julião: Balada da Paloma.
Keywords: language learning, poetry, migrant and refugee women*, opacity, experimental writing