Ugly Bodies: Queer Perspectives on Illness, Disability, and Aging
Introduction: Let’s Talk About (Crip) Sex
Tomasz Sikora, Dominika Ferens
Disability, Queer Phenomenology, and the Politics of Personhood
Thomas Abrams
Dangerous Bodies: Blackness, Fatness, and the Masculinity Dividend
Marta Usiekniewicz
A Possible Cripistemology of the Queer: Modes of Dismantling “Ability” and “Heterosexuality” in Transgender Autobiographies
Oindri Roy and Amith Kumar P.V.
Intersectionalities, dis/abilities and subjectification in deaf LGBT people: An exploratory study in Sicily
Claudio Cappotto and Cirus Rinaldi
Against the Ugliness of Age: Towards an Erotics of the Aging Sexual Body
Allison Moore and Paul Reynolds
Straight Separatism: Ten Theses on the Queer Archive
Stanimir Panayotov
Abstracts in Polish