Editorial #3
The third edition of InterAlia makes us feel that we have achieved a certain level of permanence, however tenuous, putting the journal beyond its initial stages: a series of conversations that started more than five years ago, the search for a name, the setting up of a website, the issuing of the first call for papers, etc. The recent addition of an ISSN number, which we obtained because a colleague pointed out its usefulness for academic bureaucracies (among its other uses), is a mark less of permanence than of extensive reliance on the many people who have helped us. In fact, there has been little basis for the past and the present issues other than a network of friends and colleagues sharing the editors' conviction that the project is both viable and worthwhile. Moreover, these colleagues and friends have readily shared the work of seeking out submissions and helping us evaluate them: you will find their names among members of the editorial board. We thank them for their efforts and ask that we may call on them in future.
As editors and readers, we have been privileged, and indeed very lucky, to receive some outstanding contributions to the journal. In the end, it is the contributing authors who make the journal a thing of interest. The present issue is brimming with exciting ideas. From the very beginning we have welcomed contributions representing all possible subjects and methodologies, yet at the same time we feel obliged to cater to the expectations of a mostly academic and critical audience. In consequence, we often regret to have to reject valuable papers, which for some reason or other may not fit the profile of the journal.
The current issue, which we hope deserves to be described as very topical, explores the multifaceted intersections between queer theory and many other fields of analysis and critique. The reader will find here a scrutiny of the neoliberal strategies of incorporating "diversity" into the policies of internationally operating companies (Volker Woltersdorff); issues of queer sexualities in connection with postnationalism and transnationalism (Howard Hsueh-Hao Chiang, Sascha Pöhlmann, Joan Burbick); other theoretical issues, such as the importance of epistemological historicism for queer theory (Howard Hsueh-Hao Chiang) and transcending the false dichotomy between universalism and particularism (Tomasz Jarymowicz). A postcolonial critic meets a queer critic in Joan Burbick's article on Joy Harjo's poetic vision of "radical contingency" that works against the national narratives "that validate specific sexual identities for citizens"; Nathan Long's original piece offers an almost meta-theoretical, somewhat fictionalized reflection on the position of a "queer theorist" within the Academy; and, last but not least, Rafał Majka's contribution critiques the emancipatory discourses and strategies employed by Polish LGBT organizations.
The next issue of InterAlia, guest edited by Krystyna Mazur and Dominika Ferens, will be devoted to one mode in which gender and sexuality intersect. We invite submissions on the relative scarcity of women's voices and feminist perspectives in queer discourse. The call for papers with suggested topics is on the homepage under the heading NEXT ISSUE.
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